Saturday, July 26, 2014

Blurried Lines.....because I am Crying!

So if you haven’t heard, or don’t read the gossip columns, or have been living in a cult community wearing all white and smoking cigarettes (Sorry I have been watching a lot of The Leftovers episodes, hey, when you splurge for HBO you better damn well be watching it!). You might have heard that Robin Thicke has been trying to desperately win back his wife, Paula Patton, because like an IDIOT he cheated on her. 

5 Second cheating tirade in 3…..2…..1……

SERIOUSLY ROBIN?!?! What were you thinking?? You have been with this woman since you were 14 years old. You have children together!! She is basically a perfect, mocha skinned, beautiful goddess! What the hell is wrong with you? 

End of Tirade

Ok, so since the separation, Robin has been basically pimping himself out to any media outlet that will have him trying to win back his wife. He even dedicated and named his new album after her.

Awww that is so sweet….No wait, wait….we hate him. 

This separation is a problem for me, since I was pretty much planning on becoming a sister wife to their family. Now I bet you are thinking “But Julie didn’t you just scold Robin for cheating, why would you want to be his second wife?” What I think you don’t understand is, that I don’t just want to be Robins wife, I also want to be Paula’s wife. I mean God Damn, the woman is smoking. And I’m not saying that I am a lesbian, but for her I might switch up the teams. She is classy, smart, and beautiful, what is there not to love.

 The only problem is, I only want to be with them if they are together. They have been the couple I have been crushing on since freshman year of college. If I can’t have them together then I don’t want either of them. It’s that simple.

So moral of the story is GET BACK TOGETHER!!! Otherwise I won’t be able to join the family, and after all isn’t their love life and marriage really about one thing….ME. 

Hotties of the Moment 

Damn it. There are no words. They're just freakin beautiful!

<3 JM

Monday, February 17, 2014

The Ugly Cry

We all know it.  We’ve all done it.

Blubbering, hot messes, with snot running down our faces. Tissues in hand, mouth open, and wailing like a cat in heat.

It’s nothing to be ashamed of. We, as mere mortals, from time to time, tend to get emotional. (Especially if you are watching The Notebook )

Speaking of emotional movies with a strong female lead…… I’m sorry…..oh we weren’t talking about that…..ok well anyways. HUNGER GAMES SEGUE!

Have you ever heard of a little movie called The Hunger Games?? What am I talking about, of course you have. If you haven’t, move to Canada, you are un-American. This amazing piece of cinematic gold stars a little known actress named Jennifer Lawrence. Our lovely leading lady plays the role of the fierce Katniss Everdeen from District 12.

And can I tell you, what and actress!

She is basically a national treasure.

If you haven’t seen the second part of the movie series don’t keep reading (there will be spoilers). And if you have then CONGRATS you’re basically everyone in the world.

Our two leads, Peeta Mellark and Katniss Everdeen, now victors of there very own Hunger Games, must become mentors for this years tributes.

This year, being a special 75th annual Hunger Games/Quarter Quell, the rules have changed a little. Instead of picking new tributes from each district they are being picked from the previous pool of Hunger Game winners.


Now what does this mean for our recent victors??

They are pretty much up shit creek without a paddle. I mean, I wasn’t a math major or anything but if you have 3 victors and 2 need people are chosen it’s pretty clear that Peeta and Katniss will once again be back in the Arena.

Ok so now that our victors have re-entered this dumb ass death trap, how will they survive?
Allies you say.
Now whom should they trust?

  1. An old mute lady
  2.  A hot headed bitch with a mouth like a truck driver
  3. Two Crazy genius techies
  4. That really hot guy, who is just a little bit too charming to trust

How about all of the above!

OK.. now fast track ….
So picture this. Sexy Peeta gets all Rambo on some vines while trying lead his group through the jungle. He swings his machete right into this electrical mine field and BOOM, he goes sailing through the air, pretty much dead.

Suffice to say JLAW goes crazy. She runs to him and tries to see if he is alive and when there is no response she goes MENTAL!

NOW…..Here is where we come full circle.


Oh man Jennifer. You are beautiful and talented but for lords sake your cry is UGLY.

Its looks like a fish trying to breath outside of water mixed with the sounds of a seal that just got shot by a poacher.

Now you may say this is mean, and you would be right. But come on if you’ve seen the movie you know I’m right.

She is a wailing hot mess.

And I’m not the only one who said this. She has said in numerous interviews that she is working on her beautiful cry. 

And we all know she is not the only one who is an ugly crier. If you have even seen True Blood you know that Anna Paquin is one Ugly Crier. Also Kim Kardashian is a notorious ugly crier. I don’t think you could go one day with out seeing an internet GIF of her crying.

All beautiful women. All ugly criers.

Now what to do about that?? Practice makes perfect ladies.

Tips: 1. Soft mouth (keeping a soft partially open mouth keeps us from having our moths hanging open like a gupie )
2. Always breathe through your nose and out through your mouth
3. The single tear is always beautiful (so try to control that ladies and gents)
4. Bonus Tip: Watch every Terrance Howard movie ever made! He basically is the master of the beautiful cry. Especially Hustle & Flow. (I know you wouldn’t think it’s and emotional movie but come on, its Hard Out There for a Pimp)

Now if you could just master the beauty cry Jennifer you would have the whole package. You would basically be a triple threat……I mean with out the dancing or the singing, cause your just an actress, but I mean……. I’m sure you can do all of those things if you wanted to……OH, do you think they will ever make a Broadway version of Hunger Games???

 Alright…rambling. But you get what I mean. Which Brings me too

Hottie of the Moment

Even with the Ugly Cry, all I want to do is be here best friend! Jennifer, if you are taking application let me know? And PS. I love this dress!

<3 JM