Friday, May 10, 2013

Excwoooooooose Me?!?


Justin Timberlake


Before you guys get all angry at me, I have to give you a little background at why I am so angry Mister Timberlake.

FACT: I have loved Justin Timberlake since I was 11 years old.

FACT: My wall was plastered with 'N SYNC posters. I had all their CD's and I went to like 4 of there concerts.

FACT: He has been my number 1 on the list of people you could cheat on your significant other with, if it were to actually happen. My "dream list" if you will. Or if your a optimist like me it would be on my bucket list. ;)

Now when Justin went on a hiatus several years ago to pursue his "acting career", I understood that he wanted to expand himself "artistically". I gave him the benefit of the doubt when picking his horrendous movie choices because I loved him so. I do admit there were some tough times where our relationship was tested. I call that the Black Snake Moan period.

We've had a relationship for over a decade and I wasn't about to give up on him yet.

Now I, as a doting and extremely loyal fan, waited this period of trial out until he came back to his sense and regained his music career.

All in all the 20/20 Experience is an amazing album and Mirrors is one of my most favorite Justin Timberlake songs of all time. I couldn't wait for the announcement of his new tour!! When I found out that he was coming to Fenway with JAY-Z I had to get tickets. I AM FUCKING PUMPED!! This concert is going to be amazing and something to remember for the rest of my life.

Now to add even more icing to the cake, JT announced that he is making a part deux to his previous album.


More Justin Timberlake in 2013? YES PLEASE!! Now with this CD he has also released some solo tour dates for across the world and the United States. I immediately searched for the tour date in Massachusetts to see when the tickets would go on sale.

Searching....... searching...... Hmmmmmmm.

To my shock and chagrin there were NO tour dates scheduled for Massachusetts.
WHAT?!? This has to be some kind of mistake. Clearly and oversight by his manager. UGH.
No matter I will go to one of the other locations. Providence or Connecticut if need be.

WHAT?!? There are no dates for those locations either. Ok....Ok....don't panic. Breath breath. We can figure this out. What is the closet concert locatoin to Massachusetts?

Pennsylvania!!!!! Damn it. Way to far away. UGH SO UNFAIR :(

Well lets see what the other locations are. Texas, Ohio, 2 Dates in Tennessee (I get that one)....WAIT WAIT WAIT.

I'm sorry your performing in FARGO!  North Dakota?!? Excuse Me???? You booked a gig in North Dakota with what a population of what, 12?!? Do they even have a place for you to have a concert in or are you performing on someones farm??? Are they even paying you or did you barter for a heard of goats or cheese?

I mean seriously, who did you have to blow on the Justin Timberlake booking staff in order for them to take a gig in Fargo North Dakota???

At a place called FARGODOME!

Really? REALLY?!

Disappointment Justin Timberlake. Disappointment.

Now the light at the end of the tunnel is that on JT's website it says tour dates will be added. WOOSH. Thank goodness. I hope for the sake of Massachusetts JT fans alike that he makes a stop in Boston, because if he doesn't, there will be a revolt......or at least a strongly worded letter.

JT I will love you forever, but you must know that I can't simply just see you once in concert in one year. I must have you twice....double entendre intended.

Hottie of the Moment


<3 JM