Friday, December 6, 2013

BBC Does It Better.

I’m sorry, it’s true.

British television programming is by far more superior then American television. I mean, we basically stole most of their programming anyways right?

The Office, Who’s Line Is It Anyways, Being Human…..ok maybe Being Human is not the highest quality show but we took our shot at it …...and the American version of The Office is pretty fantastic…….regardless the point is they do it better.

I know this is fact, because when I cue up my Netflix at night, I find that most of my suggested viewing interests are British Drama’s with a Strong Female Lead.

Why yes, thank you Netflix! I will indulge in a little P&P. Seriously, it’s like they’re in my head. It might have also helped that I took their survey prior to signing up on what programs appeal to me. But that is neither here nor there.

British Television is just so well crafted. They take the simplest of formulas: good story, good writers, and good actors. And make it into something that is just so entertaining that it runs for 50 years. Cough Cough* Doctor Who* Cough Cough.

Ok, so Dr. Who might be a crazy exception but the logic is still sound.

British television besides being extremely well written also stacks their casts with some top notch actors. It’s like England birthed these people specifically to take on these roles. And then once they are well known, BBC only uses those specific people. Just look at there candidate pool: Sir Stephen Fry, Dame Judi Dench, Julie Andrews, Michael Crane, Colin Firth, Helen Mirren, Ewan McGregor, and Colin Firth……wait I already said him…well he deserves two times the recognition. I mean come on, did you see Bridget Jones Diary? He played Mr. Darcy twice.

Now let’s get this straight. I’m not saying that American television is not also amazing. There are some pretty great shows going on right now. Scandal is phenomenal, Breaking Bad-wholly crap, and lets not forget my personal favorite The Mindy Project.

I’m sorry? What did you say about The Mindy Project?? Nope sorry. Can’t hear you over Mindy Kalings greatness.

But seriously folks when it comes to quality, period piece, uplifting women drama-America has nothing on England. I mean look at Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Mansfield Park, anything Austen basically. You take a plan girl from a poor family with unfortunate circumstances and though trial and tribulation she finds the love of her life by being exactly who she is. 

This always reminds me of one of my favorite scenes in Bridget Jones Diary. So, you know when Marc Darcy is talking to Bridget after she was basically verbally accosted about being single at an awful couple’s party? Well he comes down stairs and tells her that he actually likes her “very much”. And she is all yeah right apart from all the other crap you hate about me right??? No…he “likes her, very much, just as you are”.


Could you just die?? It’s a freakin dream come true. A handsome, well dressed, employed man telling you he likes you exactly as you are.

I mean come onnnnnnnnn America. Get your shit together. We need more Marc Darcy characters out there and since I’m not getting any younger I would suggest starting now!

And preferably played by Taylor Lautner. Or one of the Hemsworth Brothers.  Not American but hey I’m not kicking them out of the bed for eating chips.

Hottie of the Moment
Chris and Liam Hemsworth 

Fun Fact: There is actually a third Helmsworth Brother. His name is Luke, and he is also an actor. He was on a very popular Australian TV series called Neighbors.

Yeah I’ve never heard of it either.

<3 JM

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Krasinski Fever

John Krasinski.


That statement probably needs a little more explanation. But before we go there we should probably start at the beginning.

Usually, after watching a Romantic Comedy or RomCom, one usually gets a sense of instant euphoria. You come away from that movie feeling instantly happy and thinking that your romantic life is now full of possibilities.

Every person you make eye contact with on the street could be the next love of your life. You dream of the man or woman (equal opportunist here) running through the airport (ok maybe not the airport because seriously the security there is on point) lets say train station …running through the train station, declaring their love for you just before you get on a train to leave to what ever new city you are moving too.  The music swells, you run into his/her arms, and the build up to the magical kiss is just breathtaking.

I know I might sound like a sap, but come on who doesn’t love or want that ending.

So it came as a shock to me after watching Something Borrowed for like the 900th time (ok maybe not 900th, that was a little dramatic, lets round it to 4) that I didn’t feel that feeling. That spark. That movie loving magic.

I mean, I was happy for Ginnifer Goodwin and all. She did what every girl dreams of doing. She snatched her dream man away from her stupid original boyfriend snatching best friend. 


It’s been like 20 years and you still look 27. What are you a wizard? Come on.

Sorry. Back to the point.

I didn’t feel that spark. That romantic notion that maybe one day I too could have an adulterous affair with my best friends fiancée………..ok I don’t want that exact scenario but you get my point.

Now, its not that I didn’t find Colin Egglesfield attractive, cause I did. I have watched him take his shirt off a million times on the dirty massage parlor show that Jennifer Love Hewitt is on, and can I just say DAMNNNNNNNN.

But that wasn’t it.

I finally realized, its because I wanted John Krasinski to be the one who got the girl.
In the back of my mind I always thought that John Krasinski should get his happy ending. (That sounded dirtier than I wanted it to)

I have always really liked John Krasinski.

He’s smart, funny, and extremely personable. Also he’s not bad on the eyes if you know what I mean. Eh. eh.. Oh ok you get it. Alright back to John.

He was superb on The Office, and in the beginning seasons I always found myself routing for him and Pam. The episode where is just walks in and kisses her as she was just talking to her mother on the phone about their relationship. Ugh. Heartwarming.

And when he started transitioning into film I couldn’t have been happier!!

I loved him in his small roles, like in Dream Girls, and The Holiday. But when he started landing some leading spots I was weary at how he would play the romantic lead. Would he go goofy or sweet or serious?

But his roles tended to lead towards non-romantic movies. Yes, he did have that one with Mandy Moore, but I like not to dwell on that.

I think what really sealed the deal for me was It’s Complicated.  Surviving the ins and outs of Meryl Streeps weird love triangle with Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin. Genius.

He wasn’t a lead, but his character was my favorite. The loving/dotting fiancée of Meryl Streep’s oldest daughter, who at the right comedic timing had so many funny quips about their weird family dynamics while also trying to hide the relationship from his fiancée because loved her so. God damn it John. You could make a girl cry.  

He totally stole the whole movie for me. As I was trying to concentrate on Alec, Meryl, and Steve, all I was thinking about was “When is John coming back!!”.

That was it. I was head over heels. I realized then and there it should be my personal mission to get this loveable, dorky, but sweet and sexy as hell man a leading romantic movie.

Ok maybe I have no real say in this matter, but I know there is a movie maker out there who knows his potential and will find the perfect movie for him to really show off his stuff (Damn it. That sounded dirty too).

And I know with out a doubt, that when it happens, it will be well worth the wait. 

Which Brings Us To:

Hottie of the Moment

Again. I repeat. Sigh.....

<3 JM

Friday, May 10, 2013

Excwoooooooose Me?!?


Justin Timberlake


Before you guys get all angry at me, I have to give you a little background at why I am so angry Mister Timberlake.

FACT: I have loved Justin Timberlake since I was 11 years old.

FACT: My wall was plastered with 'N SYNC posters. I had all their CD's and I went to like 4 of there concerts.

FACT: He has been my number 1 on the list of people you could cheat on your significant other with, if it were to actually happen. My "dream list" if you will. Or if your a optimist like me it would be on my bucket list. ;)

Now when Justin went on a hiatus several years ago to pursue his "acting career", I understood that he wanted to expand himself "artistically". I gave him the benefit of the doubt when picking his horrendous movie choices because I loved him so. I do admit there were some tough times where our relationship was tested. I call that the Black Snake Moan period.

We've had a relationship for over a decade and I wasn't about to give up on him yet.

Now I, as a doting and extremely loyal fan, waited this period of trial out until he came back to his sense and regained his music career.

All in all the 20/20 Experience is an amazing album and Mirrors is one of my most favorite Justin Timberlake songs of all time. I couldn't wait for the announcement of his new tour!! When I found out that he was coming to Fenway with JAY-Z I had to get tickets. I AM FUCKING PUMPED!! This concert is going to be amazing and something to remember for the rest of my life.

Now to add even more icing to the cake, JT announced that he is making a part deux to his previous album.


More Justin Timberlake in 2013? YES PLEASE!! Now with this CD he has also released some solo tour dates for across the world and the United States. I immediately searched for the tour date in Massachusetts to see when the tickets would go on sale.

Searching....... searching...... Hmmmmmmm.

To my shock and chagrin there were NO tour dates scheduled for Massachusetts.
WHAT?!? This has to be some kind of mistake. Clearly and oversight by his manager. UGH.
No matter I will go to one of the other locations. Providence or Connecticut if need be.

WHAT?!? There are no dates for those locations either. Ok....Ok....don't panic. Breath breath. We can figure this out. What is the closet concert locatoin to Massachusetts?

Pennsylvania!!!!! Damn it. Way to far away. UGH SO UNFAIR :(

Well lets see what the other locations are. Texas, Ohio, 2 Dates in Tennessee (I get that one)....WAIT WAIT WAIT.

I'm sorry your performing in FARGO!  North Dakota?!? Excuse Me???? You booked a gig in North Dakota with what a population of what, 12?!? Do they even have a place for you to have a concert in or are you performing on someones farm??? Are they even paying you or did you barter for a heard of goats or cheese?

I mean seriously, who did you have to blow on the Justin Timberlake booking staff in order for them to take a gig in Fargo North Dakota???

At a place called FARGODOME!

Really? REALLY?!

Disappointment Justin Timberlake. Disappointment.

Now the light at the end of the tunnel is that on JT's website it says tour dates will be added. WOOSH. Thank goodness. I hope for the sake of Massachusetts JT fans alike that he makes a stop in Boston, because if he doesn't, there will be a revolt......or at least a strongly worded letter.

JT I will love you forever, but you must know that I can't simply just see you once in concert in one year. I must have you twice....double entendre intended.

Hottie of the Moment


<3 JM