No, I'm not talking about myself....but I can see where you might have gotten confused. No I am talking about my wonderful niece. She is now 1 and 1/2 and is so freakin adorable I can barely stand it. And you know what the best part about my niece is? That at the end of the day I give her back to her parents.
Now you may think that this idea is a little mean or cynical, but let me tell you, kids are EXHAUSTING!
Playing with them is a blast. Hanging out is fun. But after a full day, I don't know how parents do it? If you ever want to hear smart, intelligent adults become mindless blubbering idiots, put them in a room with a baby and all hell breaks loose. No more "Did you watch that special on CNN last night about Syria?" of "How was that bottle of cabernet?". Nope it is all GAH GAH BOO BOO WAH WAH. Whose the prettiest girl? YOU ARE!!! Peak a boo! ITS ME!
Anyone who knows me usually knows how much I hate children. They're pretty stupid. And they smell. And they generally are really annoying.
I was in a Target the other day and this little kid kept hitting his mom with a tube of wrapping paper . He ket screaming MOM, MOM, MOM and hitting her with the paper...... While she was on the phone.
If I was the mother I would sock him right back with that wrapping paper roll....And see this is why I can't have kids. If they were annoying me I would just tell them to shut up. Not very good parenting I know but what can I say, I'm 24 and immature.
But hey I'm not all bad. Now, after my long speech about how children are stupid let me tell you all the reasons I am soooo in love with my niece.
1. She is Amazing!
2. She is super smart (we had pizza today and every time we took out a slice she would say PIZZA PIZZA! She points to things and knows what they are. Its like freakin magic!)
3. She is really! Most people say that and of course there is the bias that she is my niece which makes her a lot more special but she literally is the cutest baby of all time! Blonde hair, blue eyes--Just gorgeous.
4. She is fun to play with...she always has the funnest toys and will always share
5. She talks to you and says good bye when your leaving and hi when you get here.
6. She is a reader. She loves reading books at sleepy time
7. She just lights up a room when you are with her. It is like impossible to not smile when she giggle
8. OH YEAH her laugh is infectious!!
9 And finally.....she is just AMAZING--I thought it should be said twice.
I couldn't possibly love her anymore and I can't to watch her grow up!
And the best part of all,when I babysit I get to watch movies like Taken on my brothers giant screen tv. GOD COULD IT GET ANY BETTER.
Which brings me to:
Hottie of the Moment
DANG. I don't know what it is but Liam Neeson is so freakin hot. It may be the accent, it may be an older man thing, or it may be all the neck chopping action in Taken, but Liam has definitely got it!!