Gay men go with theatre like milk goes with cookies, like
clowns with the circus, like Lady Gaga goes with meat outfits. The fit
perfectly together and everyone expects it. But what happens when you expect to
walk into a room full of gays and instead you have got a room full of
Well shit.
I have been in theatre my entire life and I have never,
ever, ever, worked with a cast full of straight men. Granted my cast is small;
approximately 6 people all together. But never the less 4 of those characters
are male. Now let me tell you, I am the first to say I know a gay when I meet
one, and when I met this cast I made my judgments. BAD GIRL! I know. Judgments
are exactly what I shouldn’t be making, but I am only human, sue me. Shocked and Chagrin was I to learn that
the guy I assumed was going to be my new best gay friend was straight. Not only
was he straight but he was also getting married. Oh sheesh. Boy was I wrong.
Well now I feel like a shit head.
I’ve never been in this territory before.
I don’t know what to do with myself. I am living in a world
full of straight, blue blooded, poorly dressed men. What am I suppose to talk
to them about? Fishing? The Golf Network? Cars? Well hell no. I did not sign up
for this. I signed up for big flaming moes with flash and pazaz and all that
Jazz. Can I get an amen.
Seriously if I don’t see a pair of boating shoes carefully
matched with a fitted jacket and argyle scarf soon I am gonna loose it.
I have no one to talk to about my love of Barbra Streisand.
Whom am I suppose to say “hey girl” to when I walk in the room? And who am I supposed to go gay
clubbing with after a show? This
is terrible!
Ok I am exaggerating. My cast is awesome and even though I
am with out my right hand gay, I know we can get through. I always think I am
going to be less amazed every time I get a new cast, but I never am. The talent
I am hit with constantly is astounding! I know for a fact some of these people
will be on Broadway someday.
And PS my cast
is pretty good looking! Which brings me to
Hottie Of The Moment
What a hottie! Hubba Hubba.
I have to tell you, when I was like 8 years old I had the hugest crush on little Doogie. When I found out he was gay I was devistated. But like all women who were dangerously in love with this unavailable man, I adjusted and looked at him like my new best friend instead. And let me tell you, I have never wanted to be best friends with someone more! Well except maybe Princess Kate. But I am sure me and Doogie could double team her.
<3 JM